Thursday, January 13, 2011

What?!?! I am no longer a scorpio?

Some people start new projects when the calendar turns over another year.  Some people feel compelled to do so when they get another year older.

I decided to start this blog when my astrological world seemingly crashed around me.

January 13, 2011.  The day that will NEVER be forgotten.  Move over, D-day.  Take a seat, 9/11.  Even you, Titanic.  Back of the bus please.  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING could prepare us for this onslaught.  Nobody is safe.  It's terrorism that crosses borders.  Crosses generations, genders, most sexual preferences (would lesbians be excluded from this?), beliefs, EVERYTHING.

This morning I was reading my horoscope in the free newspaper whilst waiting for my almost always tardy bus.  This is the usual routine for me.  I mean let's be serious for a moment... how else would I plan my day if not for my own personal bible verse - in the form of generic daily advice? Well, hours later... BAM.  My usually mysterious Scorpio self has become a less-interesting, scale-toting but still very bland Libra.   How can this be after 3000 years?  Couldn't this news have waited for another 3000 years (or at least until 2012 when we will all be dead from the Mayan calendar apocalypse/second-coming?).

Now, as I sit in my room, listening to a Dave Matthews Live album, sipping green tea, I wonder: is this the real me? Is ANY of this real anymore? Or am I in some sort of Twilight Zone (Read: NOT TWILIGHT the movie.  Or book.  They can both succumb to death by the Mayans) episode where I am beautiful and all the medical staff look like farm animals and I am somehow seen as the hideous one?   Should I now, as a Libra, set my place on fire, and in essence "Chris McCandless" myself (don't know that reference? Watch/read Into The Wild) and die alone in the middle of the Alaskan tundra delirious from lack of nutrients and weak from fighting a bear, but nonetheless happy that I changed my life so drastically to become a true Libra.

Or I could simply become a Librarian.

Well, at least I still have my great sense of humour.  No astrological fanatic can take that away from me.

Until my horoscope tells me to write again,

The Scorpion Scale  


  1. Funny you should write this! This morning I went onto a news site online only to see that all the astrological signs have CHANGED! And, with an additional sign added, most scorpios are ACTUALLY LIBRAS!!! I felt I should look this sign up to see what my true qualities are supposed to be, and just as I was resigning myself to lose the type-A personality that I have now, I saw a news story that assured me that we follow a Western zodiac and that 13th sign only applies to the Eastern zodiac. So... *whew*... dodged that bullet!

    ps. Yey for starting a blog!

  2. Ahem, I must object. Librans are not bland. That's all. You have some 'splaining to do next time I see you!
